Upload Product Catalogs
Start with Microsoft Excel or import PIES and ACES XML to host an unlimited number of items, fitments and digital assets.
Get Scores Instantly
We’ve partnered with leading resellers to score your item completion percentage. Quickly compare retailer scorecards and save time adding only the information they need.
Export to Resellers
Approve resellers to export products seamlessly with consistency and speed. Get products to market faster letting resellers configure file format and delivery settings.
PartsHub Now Part of SEMA Data
SEMA Data has acquired the PartsHub content management software. Convert your data into PIES and ACES XML plus get access to SEMA Data’s team of data experts and the industry’s largest reseller network.
What People Are Saying
“Easy to use from the start. The interface is by far the most seamless and intuitive we’ve used, and we’ve tried several.”
“We uploaded and updated our product data and we didn’t have to be ACES/PIES experts to do it.”
“Working in obsolete programs didn’t give me a way to sell parts. After using PartsHub, I am totally blown away.”